Our IV Drip Menu


Myer's IV Drip Hydration

This is the O.G. vitamin drip developed by Baltimore physician, Dr. John Myers, M.D. Originally formulated to address chronic diseases such as migraines, fatigue and fibromyalgia. Today, the Myers Drip is used to enhance wellness and ease everything from low energy to headaches and aids in speeding up recovery. There's a reason the first vitamin IV Drip ever developed is still in use today!


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex and more

Boost your drip and your immune system with Zinc or rev up with Carnitine for added energy.

Immunity Warrior

Immunity Warrior IV Drip Hydration - Houston

Our Immunity Warrior Drip supports your immune system. It includes a combination of Vitamin C and Zinc to help combat illnesses and improve sinus pressure. Vitamin C and Zinc are powerful nutrients that strengthen your immune system and reduce inflammation. This drip is perfect to fight viruses, bacteria, and seasonal allergies.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Zinc

Boost your drip with a Lipo-B shot for extra energy.


Beauty IV Drip Hydration

Want beautiful, radiant skin? Our Gwyneth Drip is the answer! Hydrate your skin back to health by promoting collagen and elastin development to fight the signs of aging. This unique blend of vitamins and antioxidants will help give you the flawless glowing skin you're looking for, reduce inflammation and enhance your immune system.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | Glutathione

Bounce Back

Bounce Back Hangover IV Drip Hydration - Houston

Nursing that hangover? Bounce back, get off the couch and into the real world! This drip will rehydrate you by replenishing your fluids and electrolytes plus provide relief from your headache and nausea. The Bounce Back Drip is a quick way to recover and feel good again!


Fluids | Electrolytes | Anti-nausea and anti-inflammatory medication

Big Baller

Big Baller Drip Hydration

Have a big night out planned? Book this drip before you go for an instant energy boost and to enhance your celebration! The added hydration will help ease any lingering side effects in the morning. This is a quick and easy way to supplement nutrients that would otherwise be lost. Wake up feeling normal and refreshed rather than drained and nauseated!


Fluids | Electrolytes | Energy Enhancer | B-Complex | Vitamin C | Carnitine

Jet Lag

Jet Lag IV Drip Hydration

The Jet Lag Drip supports your whole body with hydration and essential nutrients. It fights fatigue that may come from traveling long hours or experiencing different time zones, which may negatively affect your sleep cycle. It's perfect for pilots, business executives and anyone traveling long distances. The Jet Lag Drip can also strengthen your immune system and encourage restful sleep.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex | Magnesium

Boost your drip with Toradol to relieve muscle soreness or Zinc for an extra boost to your immune system.


Vitality Drip Hydration

Feel refreshed and rehydrated when you replenish your fluids and electrolytes with our Vitality Drip.


Fluids | Electrolytes

Feel Better

Feel Better IV Drip Hydration

Our Feel Better Drip gives you a nourishing, quick energy boost and helps you feel great and more focused. This drip helps with everything from improving brain function, to reducing inflammation, creating energy, and boosting your immune system.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex


Energizer - Energy IV Drip Hydration

Working hard in the gym or at your job? This drip helps you perform better, have more energy and recover faster. These ingredients will support athletic performance, muscle recovery and joint health and the nutrients will help accelerate your metabolism, helping you to burn more calories and replenish your cells.


Fluids | Electrolytes | B -Complex | Energy Enhance | Amino Acids


Executive IV Drip Hydration - Houston

Feel driven, sharp and focused with our Executive Drip. This drip helps you perform tasks with precision, combats stress, boosts your immune system and gives you more energy in and out of the office.


Fluids | Electrolytes | B -Complex | Glutathione | Energy Enhancer | Amino Acids

Boost your drip with Taurine to get rid of brain fog and think more clearly

Libido Boost

Libido Boost IV Drip Hydration

Boost your libido and encourage cardiovascular health, enhance your intimacy with more energy, better blood flow, and an improved sex drive with this powerful drip.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Arginine | B-Complex | Amino Acids

Boost your drip with Carnitine for enduring energy or a Lipo-B shot for extra energy!

Absorb It All Drip

Absorb it All IV Drip Hydration - Houston

Suffer from conditions such as Crohn’s Disease, malabsorption conditions or other gut health issues? This drip provides you with an array of vital vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and additional components to make you feel great!


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex | Energy Enhancer | Amino Acids | More

Slow Roll Migraine Drip

Migraine IV Drip Hydration

Dehydration and nutritional deficiencies are two big factors in the cause of migraines and every day we lose nutrients and fluids. This IV drip is packed with B vitamins and minerals to help improve blood flow and enhance rest and sleep. This formula also includes a non-narcotic pain reliever to ease tension, help you relax and feel yourself again.


Fluids | Electrolytes | B-Complex | Anti-inflammatory | Migraine Relief medication


Fitness / Fit IV Drip Hydration - Houston

Reach your weight loss goals faster when you add this powerful dose of uniquely concentrated fluids to your exercise and diet routine. This IV drip is packed with amino acids and energy enhancers to boost your metabolism, give you natural energy, increase your stamina, and restore lean muscle. Watch stubborn fat melt away and kick your waistline into better shape by giving your body the support it needs!


Fluids | Electrolytes | Energy Enhancer | Amino Acids

Banana Bag

Banana Bag IV Drip Hydration

Hydration is key in making sure your body is properly nourished and has the building blocks it needs to counteract nutritional deficiencies and perform optimally every day. This hydrating formula is loaded with B vitamins and will nourish your brain, enhance its function and replace nutrients lost due to gut inflammation or difficult digestion.

Rebalance your body with this much-needed drip!


Fluids | Electrolytes | B-Complex | Folic Acid | Thiamine

Restore Drip

Restorative / Restore IV Drip Hydration - Houston

This drip was created to replace depleted vitamins, provided through enhanced absorption and overcome long-term effects of illness such as Covid-19. This nourishing drip can promote better sleep to amplify the recovery process. Combine this drip with our Release Drip for maximum impact.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex | Magnesium | Amino Acids

Boost your drip with Carnitine or an NAD Injection for added energy!

Release Drip

Release IV Drip Hydration

Crafted to include our most powerful antioxidants and minerals. Boost your immune system, release and eliminate stagnant toxins from your body and speed up repair. Combine this with our Restore Drip for maximum impact.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex | Magnesium | Amino Acids

Boost your drip with Carnitine or an NAD Injection for added energy!

Revitalizing Drip

Revitalizing IV Drip Hydration - Houston

This unique drip was designed to overcome long-term effects of illnesses such as Covid-19. The powerful combination of vitamins, antioxidants and amino acids is aimed to restore what has been depleted, remove stagnant toxins and help you feel better.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Vitamin C | B-Complex | Magnesium | Glutathione | Amino Acids

Boost your drip with Carnitine or an NAD Injection for added energy!

Rebound Detox Drip

Release IV Drip Hydration

This drip is specifically formulated with a powerful antioxidant to aid in protecting your health by detoxing and cleansing your organs of unwanted toxins and substances.


Fluids | Electrolytes | Glutathione

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